Our expertise and experience in diverse small and large scale business integrations and/or divestitures provides you a sound foundation to success. We've been on both sides of the aisle of integrations/sales. Our team of experts can guide you through the intricate and delicate process - from initial exit strategy (prep-target), to finding the ideal partners through due diligence, to brokering the final sale.
"In life, as in chess, forethought wins."
Charles Buxton
Do I have an exit plan?
- Do I need advice?
- Have I done this before?
- Do I want to reach financial freedom?
- Do I care about my legacy?
- Do I feel an obligation towards my employees?
What kind of exit should be considered?
- Strategic buyer
- Employees
- Pass down to family
- Partial sale
- Liquidate
Step 1: The Strategy
We tighten the message to enhance the value from a strategic perspective. In addition, we offer the following:
Fractional Leadership
Web and PR Enhancement
Step 2: The Structure
We prep sellers for sale from a buyer’s perspective by reverse due-diligence. This is a distinctly different method which approaches the sale from the buyer’s world and the buyer’s agenda.
Financial Review
Q of E Reporting
Accounting Services
Marketing Strategy
Ready-for-sale Checklist
Step 3: The Successful Implementation
We allow the owners to run the business while we implement the process of selling the company.
Confidential Information Memorandum (CIM) Prep
Identify and negotiate with buyers through letter of intent
Provide guidance through due-diligence
Provide guidance through entire financial transaction